Hiya peeps, t'is UmbraPrometheus. o/ First off, I just want to say thanks for taking time to look at me doodles. The fact anyone takes interest is astounding in of itself. :0
With that said, I wanted to say something about them. I'm not sure how the big artists run their business, but for me, I don't do requests on the regular. Mainly because I'm working with stuff irl, as well as doing my own mini comics/stories to get better at it. 9 times out of 10, I'll accept one if I'm getting paid for it, lol. But requests for strangers I do if I'm in a good mood, or trying to get out of an art-block.
Just giving a heads-up on how I tackle request drawings. Because if I took every one that gets sent to me, I won't really have time to myself to practice. :'P Thanks for reading!